Pregenerate Wallets

What is Wallet Pregeneration?

Wallet pregeneration is a technique where you create wallets for users before they actually sign up or authenticate. This allows you to:

  • Pre assign wallets to users before they sign up
  • Reduce the time users spend waiting during the onboarding process
  • Pre-fund wallets with tokens or NFTs before users claim them
  • Create smoother user experiences for gaming and other applications

Why Use Wallet Pregeneration?

Pre-funding Capability

You can distribute assets to wallets before users claim them, enabling:

  • Pre-loaded game assets
  • Welcome bonus tokens
  • Promotional NFTs
  • Airdrops

Better User Experience

  • Users don't have to wait for wallet to be created during signup
  • Reduced failed wallet creation due to network issues

To pregenerate an in-app or ecosystem wallet wallet, you can make a POST request to the following endpoint:

Request Body

The request body should be a JSON object with the following parameters:

  • strategy: The strategy for wallet generation
  • email or phone or userId: The user identifier associated with the wallet to be generated

Email based wallets

{ strategy: "email", email: "" }

When the user logs in with any method associated with that email (including google, facebook, discord auth), they will get access to the same pregenerated wallet.

Phone based wallets

{ strategy: "phone", phone: "+1321123321" }

Custom user id based wallets

{ strategy: "custom_auth_endpoint", userId: "some_user_id" }

Use this when bringing your own authentication method. When the user logs in, if the user ids you provide from the auth endpoint match, they will get access to the same pregenerated wallet.


You need to include the following headers:

  • Content-Type: Must be set to application/json
  • x-secret-key: Your secret key for authentication
  • x-ecosystem-id (optional): Your ecosystem ID
  • x-ecosystem-partner-id (optional): Your ecosystem partner ID

Example curl Command

Here's an example curl command to pregenerate a thirdweb wallet for the user

curl -X POST '' \
-H 'x-ecosystem-id: ecosystem.example-eco-123' \
-H 'x-ecosystem-partner-id: 1415d24e-c7b0-4fce-846e-740841ef2c32' \
-H 'x-secret-key: 9f8e7d6c5b4a3f2e1d0c9b8a7ffge434b2a1f0e9d8c7b6a5f4e3d2c1b0a9f8e7' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"strategy": "email",
"email": ""

Replace the header values with your actual client ID, ecosystem ID, and secret key.

Response Format

A successful API call returns a JSON object in the following format:

"wallet": {
"address": "string",
"createdAt": "string",

What's Next

Pre-generating is independent and doesn't change the user's experience.

Your users can continue to login as per usual. When they do, they will be assigned the pregenerated wallet.

For more information on signing in, see Sign In.